Missed the webinar on Centering Equity in Collective Impact.... view it here


Our Partners

We lean into our partnerships with a vast range of experts in health and wellbeing, localities, digital health and system change.

Tamarack Institute

Tamarack Institute

The Tamarack Institute is a connected force for community change.

The Tamarack Institute develops and supports collaborative strategies that engage citizens and institutions to solve major community issues across Canada and beyond. Our belief is that when we are effective in strengthening community capacity to engage citizens, lead collaboratively, deepen community and end poverty, our work contributes to the building of peace and a more equitable society.


Inspiring Communities

Inspiring Communities

The Inspiring Communities team is a virtual organisation consisting of people from all over the country who have skills, expertise and experience in CLD approaches.

Our vision is for all communities in Aotearoa to flourish, with our small team of CLD specialists using our experience to connect, mentor, train and support people, organisations and communities to make their places even better to live, work, play and invest in. We also focus on systems change to help make things easier for communities to work in locally-led ways.



64 Female

Sandra’s husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2012. As his disease progressed, their GP helped to co-ordinate services such as a home assessment, access to respite care and eventually help getting him into a rest home. Sandra was put in touch with an Alzheimer’s support group. Sandra also took advantage of being able to access their GP via phone to seek instant advice when she needed it.

“Having all this support has been marvellous & getting him into the home has meant I can be back as his wife, rather than just a carer”

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