Missed the webinar on Integrating Paramedics into General Practice .... view it here


Our Whakaaro

Collaborative Aotearoa is a national network of primary health care organisations and supporting partners committed to pursuing a vision focused on the health and wellbeing for whānau and communities.

Collaborative Aotearoa (the Collaborative) has committed to expanding its reach to support its networks and continue to bring focus to equitable access to more general practices and communities across Aotearoa. The Collaborative recognises that the 2022 Health Reforms will bring transformation across the sector that will require trusted partnerships to implement change at pace and scale.

Our focus is strengthened through:

  • whānau centred models of care and community led approaches
  • honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the principles including equity, and
  • ensuring Māori and Pacific are partners in the design and delivery of system change and implementation.

One of our core strengths is being able to connect people around equitable primary care responses and building trusting relationships, particularly with Māori and Pacific at the community level. We do this by drawing on the cultural resources and capability of our members and supporting partners, creating an environment where voices are heard and respected, and promoting a culturally appropriate and safe workforce. This is where collaboration is the norm not the exception, acting as a catalyst for change and implementation.

We lean into well-established partnerships with a vast range of experts in health and wellbeing, localities, digital health and system change.

Our 2016 – 2021 Impact report details our achievements over the last five years.

Our Governance & Council

Made up of our representatives from our member organisations, we are lucky to have representatives with diverse experience who bring strong leadership and array of skills and experience to our Governance and Council.

Our Team

We are a small, diverse team with decades of experience in primary and community care. We are experienced in large scale transformation, leveraging from our network of clinicians, health professional and lived experience advisors. We deliver at scale using an emergent approach, paced by our network of primary care providers and the communities that we serve in partnership with their people.

Our Partners

Currently embraced by 17 PHOs across Aotearoa, these PHOs see the value in challenging traditional norms and the benefits of the status quo.

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