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Our Governance & Council

Made up of representatives from our member organisations, we are lucky to have members with diverse skill sets who bring an array of qualities and experience to our Governance and Council.

Governance Members

Irihāpeti Mahuika

Co-Chair Collaborative Aotearoa, CEO Health Hawkes Bay

Irihāpeti Mahuika

Co-Chair Collaborative Aotearoa, CEO Health Hawkes Bay

Andrew Swanson-Dobbs

Co- Chair Collaborative Aotearoa CEO Wellsouth, Data and Story Telling Lead

Andrew Swanson-Dobbs

Co- Chair Collaborative Aotearoa CEO Wellsouth, Data and Story Telling Lead

Dr. Andrew Miller

Comprehensive Care, Kaiārahi Rongoā: Clinical Lead

Dr. Andrew Miller

Comprehensive Care, Kaiārahi Rongoā: Clinical Lead

Jude MacDonald

CEO Whanganui Regional Health Network, Connecting Hapori for Hauora Lead

Jude MacDonald

CEO Whanganui Regional Health Network, Connecting Hapori for Hauora Lead

Merle Samuels

Lived Experience Advisor

Merle Samuels

Lived Experience Advisor

Gary Sutcliffe

Lived Experience Advisor

Gary Sutcliffe

Lived Experience Advisor

Karōria Johns

Tauira Mana Whakahaere: Intern Governance role

Karōria Johns

Tauira Mana Whakahaere: Intern Governance role

Collaborative Council

Kim Sinclair-Morris

CEO Pegasus Health

Kim Sinclair-Morris

CEO Pegasus Health

Dr. Andrew Miller

Clinical Lead, Northland DHB

Dr. Andrew Miller

Clinical Lead, Northland DHB

Bindi Norwell

CEO, ProCare

Bindi Norwell

CEO, ProCare

Justine Thorpe

CEO, Tū Ora Compass Health

Justine Thorpe

CEO, Tū Ora Compass Health

Amarjit Maxwell


Amarjit Maxwell


Irihāpeti Mahuika

CEO, Health Hawkes Bay

Irihāpeti Mahuika

CEO, Health Hawkes Bay

Cherie Seamark

CEO, Te Awakairangi Health Network

Cherie Seamark

CEO, Te Awakairangi Health Network

Dr Jacqueline Schmidt-Busby

CEO, Comprehensive Care

Dr Jacqueline Schmidt-Busby

CEO, Comprehensive Care

Beth Tester

CEO, Marlborough PHO

Beth Tester

CEO, Marlborough PHO

Andrew Swanson-Dobbs

CEO, WellSouth Primary Health Network

Andrew Swanson-Dobbs

CEO, WellSouth Primary Health Network

Jim Magee

CEO, Nurse Maude

Jim Magee

CEO, Nurse Maude

Lindsey Webber

CEO, Western Bay of Plenty PHO

Lindsey Webber

CEO, Western Bay of Plenty PHO

Jensen Webber

CEO, Mahitahi Hauroa

Jensen Webber

CEO, Mahitahi Hauroa

Sara Shaughnessy

CEO, Nelson Bays Primary Health

Sara Shaughnessy

CEO, Nelson Bays Primary Health

Jude MacDonald

CE, Whanganui Regional Health Network

Jude MacDonald

CE, Whanganui Regional Health Network

Greig Dean

CE, Eastern Bay Primary Health Alliance

Greig Dean

CE, Eastern Bay Primary Health Alliance

George Reedy

CE, Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou

George Reedy

CE, Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou

Justin Butcher

CEO, Pinnacle Midlands Health Network

Justin Butcher

CEO, Pinnacle Midlands Health Network

National Supporting Organisations

Bryan Betty

GP/Chair, GPNZ

Bryan Betty

GP/Chair, GPNZ

Dr Janine Bycroft

Health Navigator Charitable Trust

Dr Janine Bycroft

Health Navigator Charitable Trust

Dr Janice Wilson

Health Quality Safety Commission

Dr Janice Wilson

Health Quality Safety Commission

Titahi Bay Doctors Mens Group

Dr Matthew Shaw identified eleven men who had long term health conditions and who would really benefit from some focused support in relation to changing their lifestyles: the problem was they didn’t come to the practice often enough! He wanted to bring the men together, to see if they would be interested in forming a support group that would promote friendships, facilitate organising activities to benefit their health and engage them with the practice.  Six of these men were keen to form a support group, and to engage with their practice around health issues and setting goals – they just needed more encouragement to get going!

Together, they brainstormed ground rules for the group, set up a Facebook group to keep in contact, and agreed to undertake a six-week Stanford Self-Management Course. This would help them develop several self-management skills to support them with managing their chronic conditions. Green prescriptions and Kick Start Pool Programme referrals were organised, to enable subsidised entry to the Porirua pool. The men are currently attending weekly Fruit and Vegetable Co-op cooking sessions in Titahi Bay, Lite Pace exercise sessions at Te Rauparaha Arena, and are organizing weekly evening swimming sessions.

Group members have used their own networks to organize these group activities. The men have made strong friendships. They’ve developed a supportive environment for each other, and are more engaged with their practice – a success all round.

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