Collaborative Aotearoa is a national network of primary health care organisations and supporting partners committed to pursuing a vision focused on the health and wellbeing for whānau and communities.
Join the Collaborative
Our members contribute to a broader movement that prioritises whānau-centred, relationship-driven, and people-led models of care. Our members support us to create and share impactful learning experiences, fostering a community dedicated to excellence and continuous improvement.
If you are not already, join us. Our membership is open to all primary and community organisations who coordinate and/or deliver healthcare and hauroa services to whānau and community across Aotearoa.
Contact our CEO today to discuss what our membership can do for you.
For the People, by the People
Our purpose
Our vision
To bring together a strong collaboration of leaders committed to building an equitable future, through transforming health and well-being outcomes everyday, for all New Zealanders.
Value proposition
General Practice - Model of Care Development and Modernisation
National Resource Support for PHOs
Telehealth Education and implementation support
Learning - Webinars and Collegial Peer support
Wānanga and Conferences - Next conference 2-4 April 2025
National Project Engagement and Leadership
Community Engagement through Co-Design
Personalised PHO Support discounted project fee for service mahi
National Primary Care communication
International Evidence and learning
Primary Care Workforce Professional Development
Our commitment
Collaborative Aotearoa is committed to responding to the needs of our members. We aim to continue nationally led projects alongside regional and local support for modernisation of general practice.
Digital technology, extended workforce and innovation are our key strategic drivers to support us to achieve timely access to equitable and quality primary care.
Titahi Bay Doctors Mens GroupDr Matthew Shaw identified eleven men who had long term health conditions and who would really benefit from some focused support in relation to changing their lifestyles: the problem was they didn’t come to the practice often enough! He wanted to bring the men together, to see if they would be interested in forming a support group that would promote friendships, facilitate organising activities to benefit their health and engage them with the practice. Six of these men were keen to form a support group, and to engage with their practice around health issues and setting goals – they just needed more encouragement to get going!
Together, they brainstormed ground rules for the group, set up a Facebook group to keep in contact, and agreed to undertake a six-week Stanford Self-Management Course. This would help them develop several self-management skills to support them with managing their chronic conditions. Green prescriptions and Kick Start Pool Programme referrals were organised, to enable subsidised entry to the Porirua pool. The men are currently attending weekly Fruit and Vegetable Co-op cooking sessions in Titahi Bay, Lite Pace exercise sessions at Te Rauparaha Arena, and are organizing weekly evening swimming sessions.
Group members have used their own networks to organize these group activities. The men have made strong friendships. They’ve developed a supportive environment for each other, and are more engaged with their practice – a success all round.