Note - The resource library is in the process of being revamped, if you cannot find a resource please view the Health Care Home Library here

2025 Ngā Hononga Ora – Conference Overview

2025 Ngā Hononga Ora Conference Event Programme

50+ Intro Tips for Using ChatGPT or your favorite AI chatbot

Unlock the power of ChatGPT (or your favourite AI chatbot) to radically increase your productivity and efficiency levels.

Ten Past Tomorrow - AI for New Zealand Business Leaders

Acute Asthma in Adults Standing Order Template

This standing order template should be customised to fit the specific needs and circumstances of your practice.

Credit: Southern Health Pathways and Dr Anu Shinnamon.

Acute Chest Pain Standing Order Template

This standing order template should be customised to fit the specific needs and circumstances of your practice

ADKAR awareness e-Book

How to effectively build Awareness for Change.

Adult Cardiac Arrest Standing Order Template

This standing order template should be customised to fit the specific needs and circumstances of your practice.

Credit: Paramedics in Primary Care Working Group

Advance Care Planning

Advance care planning is a process of thinking and talking about patients values and goals and what their preferences are for current and future health care. It helps the patient to understand what the future might hold, and say what health care they would or would not want, including end-of-life care. 

AI in Primary Care Working Group Resource

A collaborative group of people from across multiple primary care organisations, supported by IT experts CIO Studio, are working together to support the evolution of AI in primary care.

AI in primary care working group 

AI Poster Template

Feel free to use this generic AI poster as a template. You can customise it to suit your needs and ensure whānau are well-informed about the use of AI within your organisation.

AI Scribing for Healthcare Seminar Slides 30 Oct 2024

Presentation from AI in Primary Care Webinar session 1

Dr Chris Paton, BMBS BMedSci MBA FBCS

Allergy Relief (non-anaphylactic) Standing Order Template

This standing order template should be customised to fit the specific needs and circumstances of your practice.

Credit: Paramedic Working Group

An Approach to Patient Stratification

An Approach to Patient Stratification (2024)

Analgesia Standing Order Template

This standing order template should be customised to fit the specific needs and circumstance of your practice.

Credit: Paramedic Working Group

Anaphylaxis Standing Order Template

This standing order template should be customised to fit the specific needs and circumstances of your practice.

Credit: Southern Health Pathways and Dr Anu Shinnamon.

Bacterial Conjunctivitis Standing Order Template

This standing order is to apply until it is either replaced by a new standing order covering the same subject matter or cancelled in writing by the issuer 

Credit: Southern Health Pathways and Dr Anu Shinnamon.

Bacterial Vaginosis Standing Order Template

This standing order template should be customised to fit the specific needs and circumstances of your practice.

Credit: Southern Health Pathways and Dr Anu Shinnamon.

Building Blocks of Health Care Home Booklet

This short booklet gives a basic introduction to the model of care, which has now been adopted to underpin change and improvement in many general practices all over Aotearoa.

The Building Blocks narrows down to the 12 key characteristics (out of the 38 characteristics of the Enhance Model of Care) for practices starting out on their journey. The models flexible and adaptive, practices are encouraged to choose the aspects that for the needs of its community/whānau. Want to know more? Download the building blocks of Health Care Home which details 12 characteristics to focus on when you start your journey

Calling all Lived Experience Advisors Printable Poster

Care Planning in General Practice

A comprehensive guide for general practices to providing proactive care to high-risk/high needs patients.

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