Missed the webinar on Rongoā Māori Partnering towards healthy & thriving Communities .... view it here

Rongoā Māori Partnering towards healthy & thriving Communities

Watch this webinar recording on Rongoā Māori and learn about its proven ability to improve whānau and community wellbeing, plus be inspired to explore how to support this kaupapa in your rohe. This webinar explores groundbreaking partnerships and highlights how the health care sector can give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi by supporting, resourcing and empowering whānau Māori to access Indigenous healing practices as an option alongside Western models of medicine. Hear also about meaningful collaboration alongside contemporary health settings.

Effective Telehealth Hybrid Model within Primary Care

In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, integrating telehealth with traditional in-person visits is becoming increasingly crucial. This recorded webinar explores some of the best practices for developing and implementing a hybrid model that enhances continuity of care, improves accessibility, and enhances patient outcomes.

Peer Group Session July 2024

Watch this Peer group recording on how this framework is summarised as a flexible, six-step, values-based framework which ensures that community and whānau are at the centre of (re)designing equitable health and wellbeing services in a genuine, purposeful partnership. A key difference of this co-design framework from Euro-centric approaches is its foundation in values and informed by Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

We want to acknowledge Canterbury Clinical Network, who identified Collaborative Aotearoa as the preferred kaitiaki/guardian of the Kia Kotahi Partnership In Design framework, following the network’s permanent closure in April 2024.

2024 Webinar Integrating Paramedics into General Practice

Watch this recording webinar on how Paramedics and Extended Care Paramedics bring essential skills in acute care, patient assessment, and emergency response, boosting the capacity of healthcare teams for urgent care, home visits, and complex patient needs.

20 June 2024

Peer Learning Session May 2024

We’re excited to invite Chris Peck to talk through Financial Modelling for General Practice. This will be part of a toolkit of resources Collaborative Aotearoa are developing to support PHOs and their Practices.

2024 Digital Heath Solutions to support Primary Care Access

This recorded webinar encapsulates our current insights and perspectives on digital health solutions aimed at facilitating timely access to primary care. It provided an opportunity to explore tools and resources that general practices can integrate and utilise to improve access to care. Our panel of digital leaders, clinicians, and researchers addressed questions and engaged in discussions on various digital technologies, portals, triage tools, and effective resources.

2024 Webinar Digital Solutions for Chronic and Long-Term Care Management

Watch this webinar on digital technologies to support with Long Term Care management. Approximately one in four New Zealanders lives with multiple chronic health conditions, which equates to about 1.3 million people in the country.

2024 Mana Enhancing Debt Management webinar

This recorded webinar adopts a proactive approach, focusing on preventive measures and prioritizing people's well-being. The panel for this session includes speakers with expertise in clinical and practice management, firsthand experience, and representatives from the Ministry of Social Development.

Peer Learning Session Mar 2024

A focus on immunisation, state of the nation and shared experiences of running an effective immunisation clinic.

Peer learning session Feb 2024

William Pati aka GUMZ joins us to update us on how his Pasifika expo went.

Jess White from Practice Plus with an update and feedback about the new afterhours Telehealth service for patients in Rural communities.

Peer Learning Session Jan 2024

Join us as we chat to Chria maika from Ruku Ki te ako about our new Te Tiriti learning modules. Then our Digital Health Lead shares the latest in the digital health space.

Peer Learning session Nov 2023

Join us to talk about Open notes with Jane Ayling from Cook Street health and also Patient portal comparisons with Petria, as well as a wrap up of 2023 Peer Learning sessions


Symposium 2022 – Leadership at the Grassroots – Helmut Modlik

Helmut Modlik (Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira) presents on how to deliver genuine change through leading from the grassroots, and gives his thoughts on what's required for the health sector to thrive with the upcoming health reforms.

Symposium 2022 Future of General Practice – Hon Minister Andrew Little

The Honourable Minister of Health Andrew Little presents to the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022 on the future of general practice, with a specific locality focus.

Effective Community Engagement – Alexandra Nicholas – Symposium 2022

Auckland based community organiser Alexandra Nicholas presents to the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022 on her mahi, and how to effectively and authentically engage with communities.

Bringing Pae Ora to Life – Dr Dougal Thorburn – Symposium 2022

Dr Dougal Thorburn presents to the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022 on how we can bring Pae Ora to life through the upcoming health reforms.


Presentation Slides - Dr Dougal Thorburn

Elevating Whānau Voice – Gary Sutcliffe, Merle Samuels, Karōria Johns – Symposium 2022

Our amazing lived experience advisors Gary Sutcliffe, Whaea Merle Samuels, and Karōria Johns, facilitated by Alexandra Nicholas, discuss the ways in which practices can uplift and whakamana whānau voice at the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022.

Working in Partnership for Tangata Whenua Wellbeing – Shirleyanne Brown – Symposium 2022

Shirleyanne Brown presents to the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022 on authentically partnering for tangata whenua wellbeing.

Presentation Slides - Shirleyanne Brown

On the Couch with Te Whatu Ora – Margie Apa, Riana Manuel – Symposium 2022

Margie Apa (Tumu Whakaere, Te Whatu Ora) and Riana Manuel (Tumu Whakaere, Te Aku Whai Ora) join us On the Couch at the Collaborative Aotearoa Symposium 2022 to discuss the upcoming health reforms and answer questions from the audience.

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