guide to video consults
How to carry out a video consultation.
Slides developed by researchers from Te Pūnaha Matatini.
Te Pūnaha Matatini is the Aotearoa New Zealand Centre of Research Excellence for complex systems. Funded by the Tertiary Education Commission and hosted by the University of Auckland. They bring together researchers from tertiary institutions, government institutes, private sector organisations and marae communities from throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.
February 2025
The Enhanced Model of Care encompasses 38 characteristics, establishes a whānau-centric approach which enables primary care to deliver a better patient and staff experience, an improved quality of care and provide greater sustainability
Work to develop this version of the MoC requirements takes place as primary care embarks on a ‘new normal’ taking on board the learning from our experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Example of Consult Drawers in a general practice setting